Ourlads Insider Jets Depth Chart Jets Roster

Michael Carter II | 30

CB | Duke | New York Jets
Ht: 5110 / 5' 11" | Wt: 184 | Upd: 01/06/2025


Birth Date: 03/08/1999
Age: 25
Original Team: NYJ
NFL Entry: 21 05 154
NFL Exp: 4
Depth Chart Key: 21/5
Team History: NYJ

Player History

05/21 NYJ D/C signed
12/21 NYJ Covid-19
12/21 NYJ activated 16

Ourlads' Profile:

2021 Review: What Ourlads' NFL Scouting Services said about MICHAEL CARTER III: Duke, 5110 182 4.36. Michael Carter III - no relation to Michael Carter (because that would be weird) – lined up primarily in the slot for Duke last season and is being groomed for the same position here.