Ourlads' Selling Points

Why is Ourlads' Scouting Services one of the most highly regarded organizations covering the NFL Draft and free agency? Here are some of the reasons:


Ourlads has been publishing draft guides and related publications since the early 1980s. We have a strong, proven track record which has put us in good stead. Our organization is not only experienced in talent evaluation, but is also used to working to best advantage as a unit. This is a foundation upon which we expect to keep building in coming years.

Objectivity and Independence

We have no hidden agendas behind our analysis. When you read one of our publications, you can be sure that it has not been slanted for anyone's benefit, nor do we speak overtly or covertly for any agent as do some others who offer draft opinions. While we have received many accolades from current and former NFL representatives for the quality of our work over the years, we are in nobody's pocket. We are beholden to ourselves and our subscribers only.

Seeing With Our Own Eyes

Some people in the business "scout" by proxy. They will simply grab press releases and whatever other bits of information (accurate or otherwise) they may hear, mix them all together, and come up with regurgitated "expert" opinions that they can claim as their own. This is not how we operate. Each of us puts in several hundred hours studying game films. In addition, we personally scout many games and practices across the country. Seeing prospects in person is an integral component of our evaluations. Combined with detailed game film review, it enables us to provide our subscribers with first-hand, thorough, and independent analysis.

Ease of Use

When we are creating our Guide and other publications, we never lose sight of our intended audience. The value of even first-rate analysis is degraded when poorly presented, forcing readers to slog through badly designed text. We appreciate the importance of style and layout in displaying information that is easily accessible and pleasing to the eye.

Team Concept

Just like a strong, well-balanced NFL team, Ourlads is not a one-man show. We have the good fortune to have several rather knowledgeable people onboard. Each of us brings a slightly different outlook and method of analysis to the table. Because of this, and because of our experience working together, we are able to provide a higher quality product than would be the case otherwise.

Attention to Detail

We at Ourlads have a tradition of going the extra mile for the sake of accuracy. Two players from the 2000 NFL Draft who will vouch for this are Ernest Grant from Arkansas-Pine Bluff and DaShon Polk from Arizona. When their names were flashed to the assembled crowd at Madison Square Garden, they were both misspelled. How did we know that their names were not Earnest and Deshon? Because we personally asked each player for the correct spelling months previously. We place a high priority on avoiding sloppy mistakes, be they factual errors or mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or grammar. When we do fall short of that goal (we're only human!), it's not from lack of effort.